Friday 6 September 2013

Herbal power

Herbs are leaves of aromatic plants which come so handy as natural remedies in our kitchen.  There is always a healthy herb for every season and every reason.  These are top seven herbs for health that serve as the natural medicine. Herbs are used as seasonings, they can reduce reliance on salt, you can use them to give subtle or strong accents to soups, sauces, raitas, stews, casseroles, at the same time these herbs possess some of the great medicinal qualities that help you to heal your self.


Key Nutrients:
This is a very common plant in our garden, basil contains Vitamin A, and C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium.

Benefits of Basil:
Basil leaves helps treat headaches, dizziness,vertigo, stomach cramps, nausea and constipation, Basil oil is used to treat insect bites and minor cuts, and this is also very good remedy for bronchitis and colds.

Bay Leaf:

Key Nutrients:
Bay leaf contains Calcium, iron, magnesium, Vitamin A,B,C, and E. This is a very common ingredient in Indian non vegetarian dishes.

Bay leaves are used to treat stress and anxiety. They also improve digestion and help detoxify the system.
Bay leaf oil is antibacterial. To repel household pests naturally spread some crushed leaves in the kitchen.

Coriander Leaf:

Key Nutrients:
Vitamin A, B and C, iron, calcium and zinc.

Coriander leaves are diuretic, and help detoxify the system. They also help improve quality of blood, lower cholesterol levels and improve the eyesight



Key Nutrients:
Calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin A and C.

     Mint is used as a treatment for indigestion, colic, heartburn and flatulence. It also can stimulate the appetite and cure nausea and headaches, peppermint tea can help soothe a dry throat.
Mint ointment is good for headaches, mint is also used a flavor for mouthwash and toothpaste.


Key Nutrients:
Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, Vitamin A, C and E.

Dill is used to treat colic, flatulence and indigestion, it is an effective appetite stimulant and helps stimulate milk in nursing mothers.


Key Nutrients:
Vitamin C, Chlorophyll, Calcium, sodium, and magnesium.

Parsley improves digestion, blood quality and lowers blood pressure, it is also a good medicine for anaemia.


Key Nutrients:
Calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and Vitamin A and C

Oregano is a powerful antioxidant has powerful natural anti cancer properties.  It aids digestion, helps to get rid of intestinal parasites, treats nausea and diarrhoea.

Though herbs are fresh and fresh is always best, herbs are often dried and powdered so that they can be consumed all year round. That is great, too. Don't overcook them when leafy greens are overcooked, they lose their chlorophyll as well as other nutrients. Cook on low flame and for a happy green color and maximum iron, add a twist of lemon.

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